The village of Lincoln in Loudoun County Virginia

For centuries, the villages of Loudoun County have been the focus its rural and agricultural communities. Located at important crossroads and usually the site of a church, school, mill, post office or store, they were and (many) remain the economic and social centers for their area. These old villages still serve as the core of their communities, represent our long and rich history, and have become a focus for tourism and the vitality of our rural economy.

Filled with historic buildings, rich with history, connected by historic, winding, tree-lined roads and trails and surrounded by farms, estates, forests and streams, they embody the essential values we treasure in our rural areas.

But as Loudoun grows, our villages face a multiplicity of challenges, including increasing traffic, failing water supplies, the encroachment of modem and dense development, the demands of new residents and tourists, proposals for intensive new public facilities, the pressure to close small village schools, and the needs of new rural

The Loudoun Historic Village Alliance formed in March 2019 to address the joint and individual challenges of Loudoun County’s unincorporated villages.

LHVA provides

  • a forum for sharing ideas, experience, and common concerns
  • a means of identifying policies and approaches to address common issues
  • a stronger and more united voice in county and state government.